Finally Got Our Boy's Settled In The British Army...
Finally we are a lot closer to emigrating to NZ now our boys have chosen a life in the the British Army !! We can now concentrate on the finishing touches of our lives and a career in the RNZAF, we travelled to ITC Catterick in Yorkshire for a family day which involved most of the family members taking part in one or more of the trade stands they set up. Basically they make it easier for you to understand how your sons 24 weeks in soldering skills are broken down, things have even moved on for me in the 21st Century since I was in the Armed Forces, they now have a chance at honing their skills in the (DCCT) Dismounted Close Combat Trainer. For those of us who are not worthy to ever have the chance to play on one, this system has now replaced the small arms trainer and is basically a Virtual Classroom but giving you the chance to play with the real Mc'oy the SA80 (B) all the action of the ranges with actions that feel the same but saving on ammunition with no ejection of a real round. In the 4 weeks our boys have been adopted by Her Majesty's Forces they have conquered where most parents tend to fail getting their point acroos "Getting them to listen" The Army have achieved that, and we can now settle and have peace of mind for the moment that they will achieve a great deal and become better people for sense of their own achievements. They have made us proud so far and will go on and achieve great moments in their lives and we do hope they get time to read this post wherever they are sometime in there training. Hopefully down the NAAFI having a few beers, They have so much to learn and this they will and we are grateful that the Army have agreed to fly them home to NZ for Christmas so we can be together again even if it is for such a short while, we are so proud of you boys and keep in contact with your trainers with your progress throughout the week. Now its time to travel down to London and Dad's turn to Attest in the RNZAF which is Monday with seven others who are also going out on the same date with others to follow. Its been a busy year with lots happening but at least the biggest hurdle was getting two boys settled knowing what careers they wanted and now that is done !! Take boys see you at Christmas.